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  • DFTcyuyan.rar DFT的C语言实现,本程序简单易懂,用户可根据自己的需要进行修改。
  • p156_DFT_FFT.rar 该程序为matlab代码。通过对相同数据分别进行DFT与FFT这两种变换,来对比两者的异同。
  • DFT_S_OFDM.rar OFDM多载波调制方式的DFT变换,以及OFDM波形的仿真
  • A-new-class-of-flat-top-windows-for-exposure-asse ... magnetic fields. The use of flat-top windows along with the DFT is a simple and fast method that reduces the characteristic leakage errors and picket fence effects when using the classical DFT for the exposure assessment.
  • MALA.zip Herewith i uploaded DFT for images
  • blackman_harris.rar blackman_harris窗函数用于加窗的DFT
  • Matlab_DSP.rar Matlab脚本文件,DSP中IIR、FIR滤波器设计以及DFT转换
  • Digital-Signal-Processing_Written-Assignments.doc digital signal proccessing dft fft
  • DFT.zip VC++和opencv联用,实现对图像的傅里叶变换。简单高效。
  • radix2.rar It can be used for finding the dft(Discrete fourier transform) of a signal using radix 2 fft algorithm.It is developed using Dev C++