Go To English Version 超过100万源码资源,1000万源码文件免费下载
  • SplitterWnd-Demo.rar 自定义分隔条控件,基于VS2005开发,适用于Dialog、document-view结构程序,可以进行多窗口分隔。
  • usingDialog.rar day la huong dan de su dung dialog windows forms audio do nha
  • ip.zip ASM example how to show local machine IP in dialog box type window.
  • 19.dialog-based.rar activex for visual c++ program
  • ACO-on-JSSP.zip ... in graph form, which is to seek the shortest path from start point to destination point. One solution that can be used is with the ant colony optimization algorithm. There are three method to input the job : xls file, matriks, and atrractive dialog.
  • FileDialog.java.zip 文件选择器,纯dialog形式,不需要素材文件和布局文件,可设置文件过滤类型(只加了简单几个,可以自己随便加,很容易)
  • ExamDataExchange.zip Dialog BOX Data Exchange Sample
  • dialog.rar 《qt4 精彩实例分析》带的所有源码,拥有这些代码学起来QT4会更加容易
  • MyDialog.zip Android Dialog对话框,android手机任意界面都可以弹出窗口。
  • Play-tricks-on.zip 玩笑程序 VC6 对话框玩笑程序 英杰 Joke program VC6 dialog joke program Aviva