Calculates dominante color and measure the similarity between the input image and directory contains other images
... output and output wanted and apply backpropagation gradient descent algorithm.
-learnall Takes all the files in learning/ directory and gives them to the neural network.
-block Detects blocks.
-init Reinitializes the Neural ...
文件目录搜集工具对话框File directory dialog box to gather tools
... Image Processing Toolbox
Reading DICOMDIR folder using the directory browser GUI:
dcmSeries = loaddcmdir
Generating 3D array by selecting a dicom series:
[imaVOL, scaninfo, dcminfo] = loaddcm(loaddcmdir)
creating a directory tree of files and folders in a given destination, using xml dom parser.. written in java
... the debugged process.
To realize dll injection before process creation, new import descriptors are added to the image import directory of the debuggee, whereas injection into an already running process is realized via shellcode injection, which in turn ...
The run_win32.bat file is for Windows platform only. If you are running an operating system other than Windows, that file will not work. First you should open a console window (Terminal), cd (change directory) to this folder. Now type the command,
telephone directory [project with clear documetation
This is a simple yet effective search engine which can search for words in text files in a directory. The user interface has been developed in Visual C++ (MFC) and at the back end an efficient searching algorithm exits.
Project Title: Mini Text Search ...
Please read your package and describe it at least 40 bytes in English.
System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory.