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  • Drive_dir.zip show drive dir file control how to select file view picture image or text file form this control and litle form load progressbar easy
  • A_Practical_Guide_to_Video_and_Audio_Compression. a very easy, very useful book.A guide through video compression
  • H.264_And_MPEG-4_Vide_Compression.rar video compression H.264 and MPEG4 .Easy to read.very nice
  • JMF_Movie_Player_funcional.rar this is an example of class suporting video on java. This code use the classes of the JMF API, this example describes a video player with function os JPanel, making easy to add in JFrames and anothers JPanels
  • LILi-040.tar.gz LiLI makes it easy to interlace pictures for use with lenticular pane. this is a kind of project.
  • DHTML_tooltip.zip ... Browser Library. Developed by Walter Zorn Features Cross Browser Documentation Extensions Download An easy to use cross-browser Tooltip JavaScript Library that creates tooltips, information popup boxes ...
  • payrol_project.rar this is the b-tech project.it is easy to use
  • mysql.zip This utility connect to Mysql server and show values from table. Include mysql libs and dll to deploy easy on c++builder 6 Its is a simple example for use mysql && c++builder 6
  • project.zip ... if we were able to charge our batteries on the go without a dedicated power supply, thus supplying consumers with an easy charging solution. This project was chosen as it fulfills a current and growing need of the modern society and also can be ...
  • wtclient.zip The WinTECH Software Rapid Client Development DLL, (WTclient), provides an easy to use API for integrating a custom application with data from any OPC Server