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  • toolbox_fast_marching.zip The method mainly consists in considering a reference normal ECG segment and input ECG (unknown behavior) segment. Each segment of the input ECG T is compared to the reference segment using SEA. The SEA method outputs a measure in the range [0..1] in ...
  • try-change-sampling-rate.rar this file is used to change the sampling rate of the ecg signal
  • try-classification.rar try classification of ecg signal
  • matlab_codes.rar ecg各个波段生成程序
  • ECGanalysis.zip ecganalysis to analysis ecg signal
  • afaf.zip 基于面向对象的心电监护系统的研制.Based on object-oriented development of ECG monitoring system.
  • ECG_Decoder.zip ECG_Decoder of ecg wavform
  • ECGWT.rar To get ECG simulation on computer screen user can start the ecg simulation just by pressing any key on keybord.
  • ecg.zip matlab code about cyclic we can use to make general cyclic code good lucky happy nice beautiful well hi me you
  • Biorthogonal wavelet transforms for ECG parameters estimation