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资源说明:This paper presents an algorithm for automatically locating the waveform boundaries the onsets and ends of P QRS and T waves in multilead ECG signals the  standard leads and the orthogonal XYZ leads Given these locations features of clinical importance such as the RR interval the PQ interval the QRS duration the ST segment and the QT interval may be measured readily First a multilead QRS detector locates each beat using a dierentiated and lowpass ltered ECG signal as input Next the waveform boundaries are located in each lead The leads in which the detected electrical activity is of longest duration are used for the nal determination of the waveform boundaries The performance of our algorithm has been evaluated using the CSE multilead measurement database In comparison with other algorithms tested by the CSE our algorithm achieves better agreement with manual measurements of the T wave end and of interval values while its measurements of other waveform boundaries are within the range of the algorithm and manual measurements obtained by the CSE