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资源说明:心电模拟器的目的是产生不同导联和尽可能多的心律失常的典型心电波形。 The aim of the ECG simulator is to produce the typical ECG waveforms of different leads and as many arrhythmias as possible. 该心电模拟器是基于matlab设计的,能够产生正常的导联II型心电波形。 My ECG simulator is a matlab based simulator and is able to produce normal lead II ECG waveform. 使用模拟器在模拟心电图波形方面有许多优点。 The use of a simulator has many advantages in the simulation of ECG waveforms. 一方面是节省时间,另一方面是消除用有创和无创方法采集真实心电信号的困难。 First one is saving of time and another one is removing the difficulties of taking real ECG signals with invasive and noninvasive methods. 心电模拟器使我们能够分析并研究正常、异常的心电波形,而无需实际使用心电机。 The ECG simulator enables us to analyze and study normal and abnormal ECG waveforms without actually using the ECG machine. 我们可以使用心电模拟器模拟任何给定的心电波形。