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  • calc.rar ... for configuring Proteus to run in conjunction with the Keil environment can be found by editing the 8051 microcontroller on the schematic (point at it and press CTRL-E) and then clicking on the help button on the Edit Component dialogue form.
  • qidong.rar 利用VC++编程实现程序自动启动。在主界面对话框中有编辑框(EDIT BOX),圆形按钮(RADIO BUTTON)和普通按钮(COMMON BUTTON)组成
  • shubiaojiekou.rar 鼠标接口 在屏幕上显示鼠标及其坐标。 通过设计,熟悉鼠标使用和中断的调用及程序的编制方法。 汇编时,最好使用MASM6.0以上版本。 若在WIN2000,XP下不能正常显示坐标时,可以先运行一些DOS界面的软件,如EDIT等。 然后退出在运行,就可正常运行本程序了。 在有些环境下,需先运行鼠标的驱动程序。
  • graph2d_src.zip ... plot views. Features supported: -Autoscale -Zooming -Fit width, height and page -Mouse coordinates tracing -Interactive add, remove and edit points -Ability to add and display interactively up to 15000 points per second (depends on the speed of the ...
  • MOVB-EDIT.rar 对点线的编辑功能,对初学者有一定的参考价值
  • CrystalEdit.zip 封装好的Edit类,现在它可以更好地支持Drag&Drop及UndoRedo
  • ReadOnlyEditDemo.rar CEdit的派生类,实现Edit Box输入框控件为只读,不可修改参数,背景色不变灰,同时可以修改背景色为任何颜色.
  • C_edit.rar C语言DOS下载的EDIT控件,基本功能: 输入,并翻页显示
  • nasm-2.03.01-dos.zip EDIT Assembler can for VC6 VC8 VC2005
  • CodeGuruEssentialDifferencebetweenCONSOLEandGUIApp ... demonstrates how to create a window in main(). I created an edit box in a separate thread, so that you can control this ... (), and then I called CreateWindow with the predefined class name EDIT. As you can see, there is not much essential difference ...