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  • HTML_Editor_2.zip HTML Edit is sample for visual Basic
  • HowtosimulateIPCore.rar IP核生成器生成 ip 后有两个文件对我们比较有用,假设生成了一个 asyn_fifo 的核,则 asyn_fifo.veo 给出了例化该核方式(或者在 Edit->Language Template->COREGEN 中找到 verilog/VHDL 的例化方式)。asyn_fifo.v 是该核的行为模型,主要调用了 xilinx 行为模型库 的模块,仿真时该文件也要加入工程。
  • 6HtmlEdit_src.zip HTML Editor for VC++ 6.0:Today, applications often need a rich user interface. One of them is ability to compose or edit HTML documents in an easy, effective, and reliable way. This article and source code attached give you a nice control to perform this ...
  • DNAanalysissoftware.src.tar.gz unix或linux下的DNA分析软件源码 其功能如下 1. Edit up to 256 peptide or DNA sequences simultaneously. 2. Translates DNA->protein click next to display next frame. 3. Dot matrix plot of any 2 sequences. 4. Rudimentary amino acid statistics (MW and amino acid ...
  • avisynth-source-0.3.zip avisynth-source-0.3.zip,avi edit src
  • Disk_Key.zip DiskKey.zip ,disk system edit
  • Disk_Ext.zip Disk_Ext.zip ,disk edit
  • 2004718190854.rar // // BEZIER.RC2 - resources Microsoft Visual C++ does not edit directly // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #error this file is not editable by Microsoft Visual C++ #endif //APSTUDIO_INVOKED
  • RichEditDemo.zip ... able to help people with, was printing the content of a Rich Edit Control. So off I went to the documentation to try and ... be continuing to look into the print preview problems with the Rich Edit Control, but in the meantime, I though I would make available ...
  • Arde.rar 1. 利用W32汇编,设计Window窗口程序,并设计按钮,菜单,工具条,Edit等Window界面控件元素。 2. 实现将两个Edit控件中的数字进行相加,结果用MessageBox弹出。