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  • virus.rar 第一只感染flash的病毒源代码。采用汇编语言编写。 SWF/LFM-926 Virus: ------------------ Description: WinNT/XP Virus dropper for Flash .SWF files! Masm Version 6.11: ML.EXE SWF.ASM Virus Size: 926 bytes Infection Size: 3247 bytes. Last Edit: 01/08/2002
  • FullyOwnerDrawnTabControl.zip Crystal Edit的改进,现在它可以更好地支持Drag&Drop及UndoRedo
  • rec.rar 把控制台下运行程序的结果重定向到EDIT控件中
  • jasml.zip JASML is a java byte code compiler, providing yet another approach to view, write and edit java classes, even without the existence of a java source file - using the java macro instructions, those described in The Java Language Specification.
  • java2.rar java edit you can use it,thanks
  • EditBoxCtl.rar 带换行功能的edit控件,通过vb测设
  • VC++edit.txt.rar VC++修改.txt文件,读取所需数据,若与设定值相等,则修改同行标志
  • myFlatEditUnit.rar Delphi 5,6,7 Flat-Style Edit Unit
  • SuperContextMenu.zip A long time ago, I wondered how Microsoft Access put an Edit control on the context menu!!! Then I got another idea… why do we not use any group of controls on the context menu??? This will make our user interface easier to use and even faster. The good ...
  • EDIT.rar 一个java写的文本编辑器