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  • brwdata.zip Display and edit VFP6.0 tables
  • TransparentEditBox.zip makeing transparent edit box with c++
  • Edit.zip The Hunt and Peck Keyboard sports an alternative layout, one that has the letters arranged alphabetically. You can toggle between the traditional QWERTY layout and the “logical” ABCDE layout with ..
  • BitmapJoiner.zip A program that takes a bunch of bitmaps and attaches them together side-by-side and puts them on the clipboard. The bitmaps then can be pasted into Paint by clicking Edit->Paste.
  • EditGraph.rar 使用EDIT控件,并拓展这个类,使之具有list 功能.
  • bilin.rar This file contains information used by ClassWizard to edit existing classes or add new classes. ClassWizard also uses this file to store information needed to create and edit message maps and dialog data maps and to create prototype ...
  • ddvip_com_00584419548f01.zip IP地址输入框,子类化Edit,很好用的。有些可能不完善,改一下应该能满足需求。
  • Edit.rar 实现在对话框中显示视图,并且操作文件,显示行号等
  • VB_Decompliyer.rar ... can be compiled into interpreted p-code or into native code. If a program was compiled into the native code, restoring full source code from machine instructions is not possible. anyway you can edit any text or image which contained in EXE file .
  • PWMMusic.rar 首先要说:是我自己写的你他地方下不到! 这是一个用PWM播放.wav歌曲文件的程序,歌曲本身已经被和代码一起固化到FLASH中了,想要听到美妙的歌曲你只需要把PB0经过一个滤波放大电路接到蜂鸣器或耳机插孔上,并把程序下到你的STM32中运行就可以了。 另外,看看这篇关于PWM播放.wav的文章:http://wmx0901.blog.163.com/blog/static/10320222020097171727367/edit/