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  • VC.rar MFC中常用控件编程技巧,包括,Static,Buttom,Edit,ListBox,ListCtrl,TreeCtrl等控件的使用技巧,每个控件均有编写好的代码,可以直接运行体会
  • Font_Navigator_5_portugues.zip to view and edit install fonts
  • ComLog.rar this tool can get trace from uart port, and use uledit to edit log file that you are tracing.
  • Itemtype.datEditor.zip A program to automatically edit the Itemtype.dat file in Conquer so that you can see the rare items on the ground.
  • A_Simple_J1719863142004.zip ... process. -Set Background Color & set Foreground Color. -Save canvas to file ( *.jpg ) -Open canvas from file PS: The program will save the canvas into 2 files, (*.jpg) and (*.*) You must open the (*.*) file in order to edit the picture you saved before.
  • VISUAL_C_Plus.zip ... to supporting these platform initiatives, Visual C++ 6.0 also adds an amazing number of productivity-boosting features such as Edit And Continue, IntelliSense, AutoComplete, and code tips. These features take Visual C++ to a new level. We have tried to ...
  • SCADA_SOFTWARE_Component_Source_Code.zip Html Edit sample for the junior user of vc, it very easy reading and remarkable.
  • iconv.zip 很适合初学者学习使用的一个html edit 程序源码,有良好的易读性及使用性。
  • markupXML.rar 利用markup类做的XML文件处理器;用CtreeCTrl和CEdit做的分割窗口;树形结构能和文档内容相连;在edit中有动态菜单,根据需要添加菜单。
  • TestDateTime.rar 支持int,float,字符串,日期时间等多种格式输入的EDIT控件.