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  • edit.zip 汇编源程序,只要功能是一个例类似文本编辑器,有菜单选项
  • MHServerDEVS.rar ... not complete, it doesn t tell you how to edit the rate of the server and use of ... he didnt show to us! Q: How to Edit the rates. Ans: There s a file called ... .bin in resource folder inside the server folder, edit it with your packingtool.exe It should look ...
  • AngleAngleTool.rar ... The Angle-Angle tool is a sample that illustrates how to create a custom sketch tool. This sketch tool adds points to the edit sketch based on the input of two point locations and two angles. An angle intersection is constructed based on these inputs. If ...
  • EditRecordHr.zip JSP edit record from database
  • ToolGshop.rar ToolGshop to edit game ZX2
  • GridCtrl.rar 继承MFCListCtrl, 可编辑的列表框,在列表中可以包括编辑框Edit, 下拉框ComboBox, 单选Radio, 复选CheckBox, IP地址IPAddressCtrl, 进度条(只能显示)
  • sedit.zip 仿照windows自带的edit程序做的一个小型文本解析器 当时程序主要目的在于练习画dos下的窗口
  • cari.rar personal add remove edit and personel picture add
  • staffkk.rar ... Staff, I can only do view information. The system does not let me edit, add and delete any record by Staff user. Next function is Admin. I do add, delete and edit with admin user. I can add new staff and update information of Staff ...
  • JAVAdazuoye-edit.rar java大作业电子文档的编写与运行++++++++++++++++++