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  • bmpEngine6.c.zip C program to edit bmp files. It can convert image to grayscale, find magic number, bitmapfile header, bfType, Bitmap info header, and rotate the image
  • code.rar blob coloring image you need to edit input file name. using blob coloring technique to count object in image.
  • uicontrol.zip gui controls M-file shows how to use the GUIDE in MATLAB for example the pop-up menu. edit text, ect.,
  • DataGridViewEditForm.zip Data Grid View Edit Form
  • Java-Examples-In-A-Nutshell-3-Edit.rar 这第三版涵盖Java 1.4和包含193完整的,实用的例子:超过21,900行密集的评论,专业编写的Java代码,涵盖20个不同的客户端和服务器端API。它包括在Java声音API和新的I / O API的新的篇章。 XML和servlet的章节已被改写,包括规格的最新版本,并说明Java 1.4的最佳做法。贯穿全书的新的和更新的例子演示了许多其他新的Java功能和API。
  • CPP-from-Qianneng-2nd-edit.rar 我们老师提供给我们的课本,希望对大家有用,我是初学者,想来这里学习下,希望站长能给我个机会,多谢站长了!
  • Teach-Yourself-ANSI-CPP-in-21-Days---Premier-Edit Teach Yourself ANSI C++ in 21 Days - Premier Edition. Premier Edition offers more than just 21 days of learining c++.
  • a.rar source code for d2charsave edit
  • O2Solo-Player-Editor.zip This is Source Project of O2Solo Editor, allow you to edit Meta Data of O2Solo Player Files(USERDATA.PAK) in your O2Solo Client...
  • OJS-Manager-[Source-Code].zip This source project of OJS Manager, allows you to edit OJS Image Files (Interface Component in Interface.opi) that used by O2Jam Client