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资源说明:programmer chips The control program may be the following: Open and save files in HEX and BIN, at the same time to make the transformation from one to another. Open files up to 64 Mb. At the same time work with the file does not depend on the selected programming device. Allows you to arbitrarily modify the data buffer size. Allows you to view data in HEX, BIN, DEC, ASCII formats, as well as 8-bit or 16 and form. Allows you to edit the data and produce 8 block of arithmetic operations. The blocks can be allocated on a range or selection. Allows you to search the data and address. Calculates the checksum of data blocks on 7-standard algorithms. Allows to adjust the format of the data grid. Allows you to configure the communication port. Remembers the settings from the last shutdown. Do not contaminate register Windows. It does not use third-party drivers. It consists of a single file. Starts immediately without any additional installation.
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