ECE345, Visual-to-Audio Electronic Travel Aid
Code for TM320C54x (v2a.asm) download
This project involves the design and implementation of a audio synthesis device that converts moving images into audio signals. The system is built on a TM320C54x DSP ...
... 部分,一个是数字部分.本程序用于GDI实例教学.
A C # program, the electronic analog clock display. Quartz by the two sides of the electronic structure, is a quartz watch, is a part of the figures. GDI example of the procedure for teaching.
Intelligent electronic clock with alarm clock function, including electronic, the electronic bell schematic, physical map, the source code.
... You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licensealong with this program if not, write to the Free SoftwareFoundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
The ElectricTM VLSI Design System is an open-source Electronic Design Automation (EDA) system that can handle many forms of circuit design, including:
* Custom IC layout
* Schematic Capture (digital and analog)
* Textual Languages such as VHDL ...
... specifications a part for use in your
company’s general electronic products. It is guaranteed to perform according to delivery
specifications. For any other use apart from general electronic equipment, we cannot take
responsibility if the product is ...
The Electronic cubes. It Is Intended for demonstration on electronics. The Schemes are going to displacement a cube. All offers and commentary send on serezhan@list.ru.
代码electronic documentation provided with the library