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  • lcdDriver.rar CAN is a multi-master broadcast serial bus standard for connecting electronic control units (ECUs). Each node is able to send and receive messages, but not simultaneously: a message (consisting primarily of an ID — usually chosen to identify the ...
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  • sec.zip Applications of authentication in electronic commerce. In the present, I focus on security protocols in the electronic payment, particularly electronic security protocol set developed by a group of large credit card companies like Visa, MasterCard and ...
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  • ControlofInductionMotors.rar ... motors. Most of the motors are uncontrolled, but the share of adjustable speed induction motor drives fed from power electronic converters is steadily increasing, phasing out dc drives. It is estimated that more than 50 billion dollars could be saved ...
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  • Analog_and_Digital_Circuits_for_Electronic_Control Analog and Digital Circuits for Electronic Control System Applications - Using the TI MSP430 Microcontroller