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  • electronic-scale.zip (1)初始化定时器与中断控制寄存器,初始化液晶显示器,设置串口通信波特率。 (2)启动双积分AD转换过程,循环读取反向积分的计数值N,根据式3-7算出反向积分的计时值T2,换算出荷载重量值,送LCD显示。 (3)每次换算出荷载重量值后,判断荷载是否超量程,如果超过系统量程2kg,则启动蜂鸣器报警。当荷载卸载至2kg以下后,解除报警。 (4)如果有校准按键被按下,则响应外部中断0并查询按键编号,执行相应校准程序。 (5)如果上位机软件STP_ISP发送了在线控制命令,则响应串口中断,接收并判断命令 ...
  • intro_mm.zip Any combination of text, animated graphics, video, and sound delivered to you by computer or other electronic means.
  • servo_test_PIC18F452.zip A 8-servomotor tester with 16x2 LCD display. C code , electronic schematic and overview are included
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  • lock.rar this program is an electronic lock by C language and use of microC compiler for PIC micro controllers. in addition the simulasion file for proteus is added.
  • Accelerated_CSharp_2010_1Ed.rar 《C#2010捷径》 作者:Trey Nash 出版:APress 书号:ISBN-13 (pbk): 978-1-4302-2537-9 ISBN-13 (electronic): 978-1-4302-2538-6
  • Digi_driver_TWSWTCP.zip Digi electronic scale software