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  • G722_Eval.zip G722 Encode/Decode algrithm
  • turbocodes_latest.tar.gz turbo encode and decoder
  • t1.zip tourbo encode pdf file we can study derive these folders
  • encode.rar 改进后的游程编码,可以继续量化编码转化为二进制数据流,针对一些较为接近的数,通过合适的阈值设定可以近似,从而大大压缩数据流
  • RSA.rar 基于大数库miracl的RSA加解密算法,其中gen.c是产生密钥,encode.c是进行加密,decode.c是进行解密
  • C_LZ.zip LZSS encode decode algorithm in c
  • Play.rar VC++ MPEG4 encode decode
  • sofi.rar encode data with convolution code and sends in throught channel with noise.checks thwe BER after
  • entropy.rar ... variables, Shannon s source coding theorem shows that, in the limit, the average length of the shortest possible representation to encode the messages in a given alphabet is their entropy divided by the logarithm of the number of symbols in the target ...
  • MatlabHW.zip This will take a full text and Huffman encode it and decode it. It is well documented as well