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  • vbnetpducodec.zip PDU Codec in VB.Net to Encode and Decode the SMS in Text mode to PDU mode.
  • Huffman-(1).rar huffman table encode and decod
  • Huffman.zip This is a program to encode and decode huffman code for strings. The input should be a text file with two dimentional string array.
  • cyclic.zip this is file that how you can encode cyclic code
  • dct2.rar program matlab for encode jpeg picture using dct2, RLE, and huffman encoding
  • vigenere.java.zip vigenere encode and decode a plain text
  • CELP-encode.zip 高质量的4kbs散布脉冲CELP语音编码算法
  • CodeSecurity.zip Security Encryption and Decryption Unit Contains : Text Encrypt and Decrypt with Keys Text Encode and Decode with Base64 Text Encrypt and Decrypt with WordTriple File Encrypt and Decrypt with Word Triple Two Fish Encrypt and Decrypt
  • uue.zip UUENCODE.EXE and UUDECODE.EXE are small Win32 console-mode utilities, written in Microsoft Visual C/C++ v4.0, which encode/decode single files based on the standard uuencoding/uudecoding algorithms.
  • ROI_pcs2006.zip research paper: applying region of interest to fast encode video