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  • MPEG-4_Encode.rar MPEG-4 的开源Encode。This MoMuSys implementation of MPEG-4 was originally developed in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2) standard. This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496 ...
  • 20070305_chungyu_G711_v2.rar 使用mediastreamer2的g711common.h. unsigned char s16_to_alaw(int pcm_val). 将16bit的原始样本encode 成为8bit的a-law码.
  • 2272RX.rar RF decoder coding for decode 2262 RF encode
  • encode.zip 编码方式的解码示范uuencode and uudecode are in the public domain. dos2unix and unix2dos are hereby placed in the public domain. They may be shared or copied as long as NO fee is charged for their distribution or use.
  • UriCodec_src.zip 很好用的C++方面的encode ,decode源码;
  • MP4Cam2AVI_SRC_v2.50.zip MP4Cam2AVI is a MPEG4 to AVI converter/joiner for digital MPEG4 cameras, it makes their clips DivX/XviD compatible. MJPEG and H263 are supported as well. Program doesn t re-encode video, just passes video data to avi container.
  • jm12.4.zip This program can encode the YUV vdieo format to H.264 and decode it.
  • encode.rar 有m¥n(m£100,n£100)个金币在桌面上排成一个m行n列的金币阵列。每一枚金 币或正面朝上或背面朝上。用数字表示金币状态,0表示金币正面朝上,1 表示背面朝上。 金币阵列游戏的规则是: (1)每次可将任一行金币翻过来放在原来的位置上; (2)每次可任选2列,交换这2 列金币的位置。
  • EVRC.rar EVRC code 的框图与流程,希望对大家理解EVRC encode 有帮助, Evrc Block Diagram, for audio engineer to understand EVRC encode,code
  • Encode.rar 转换汉字到16进制编码和10进制编码的小工具, java编写,源程序不小心删除了,请反编译即可得到。