... computer is there. It’s hidden. The example I usually give is the
engine control computer in your car. You don’t drive the car any differently
because the engine happens to be controlled by a computer. In fact the
typical car today ...
REminiscence is a re-implementation of the engine used in the game Flashback
made by Delphine Software and released in 1992. More informations about the
game can be found at [1], [2] and [3].
This is part of workshops tutorials from game engine A7 3D Gamestudio. With Atari s Lite-C language.
This is part of workshops tutorials from game engine A7 3D Gamestudio. With Atari s Lite-C language.
This is part of workshops tutorials from game engine A7 3D Gamestudio. With Atari s Lite-C language.