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  • Change_Graph_Scale.zip This is an excel sheet showing example .of how to change graph scale.You jaust need to enter values.
  • computer.rar if the computer is unuse after 10 seconds,you must enter password...
  • PortScanning.rar Port Scanning Application in C#. User can enter IP Address of remote computer to find a list of all the open ports on the remote computer along with port descriptions. User can also scan for open ports on host computer. Friendly GUI with progress bar.
  • QQhzj.rar 本源码用实现qq轰炸,原理很简单,先找到要轰炸的窗口,然后给置顶的窗口输送消息,最后在输送键盘按键ctrl+enter,如果是你本地的qq发送消息的快捷键为enter,那么就改下程序就可以了。找到如下代码: SendKeys "^{Enter}" 改成 SendKeys "{Enter}
  • SearchQuick.zip ... ", "A2B", "A1C", "A2D", "A1E", and so on. It may be difficult for users to tell what key words they need to enter in to get them all in current files searching tools. By contrast, with the help of Regular Expression in SearchQuick, people can get anything ...
  • MEDICALBILLING.zip This is medical billing software implemented in VB can be used for hospitals and medical shops to enter the details about medicines and their purchase selling etc
  • QueryBuilder.zip ... of columns (fields) for the layer. The user can then either manually type out the query, or double click on any of the columns and enter a value for it. The query has a standard SQL query syntax (i.e. ID=1234 AND Status= Ready ). The user has the option ...
  • primefactorization.zip Here is the programm which factorizes the intger number.programm ask for the input if you enter the integer number 100 then the output of the programm is (2**2)*(5**2).Where "**" stands for exponential and "*" stands for multiplication.
  • antenna.rar antenna, dipole.. simulations about that.. enter the information required and it resolves
  • PropertyChecker.java.zip this program checks if the given word can be read the same if the first letter is put at the last . The user has to enter the list of words and this program gives the list