program with GUI that is used to enter student informations through a JTable in Java and also it calculates the grade of a student
C++ Teller system that asks user to enter information to create account and edit. Uses a db file to read and write and case statements to switch between selections.
print any times table sum enter the figures and always get the correct results
... ( enter the value of Fs ) Sampling rate of signal
Fc = input( enter the value of Fc ) Carrier frequency
t = [0:Fs] /Fs ... *t) +2*sin(2*pi*60*t) Channel
dev = input( enter the value of dev ) Frequency deviation in modulated signal
y = ...
/ / Define function void insert (an int a [], int, b) array parameter a is a row of good sequences, b is to enter a number,
/ / Insert it in accordance with the original law of the sort the array, the array inserted is still in good sequence.
Calcule La Somme enter deux nombre RPC
Type in a number and then enter 2 numbers at a time. Your numbers will be stored as a(mod b). Repeat this step the number of times you have entered earlier. The program will calculate x by Chinese Remainder theorem.