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  • Programming.zip Collection of Flash Programming Examples from many programmers!! This including for example Advanced-C_Smith-7875, Analogd-Luis_Pen-7560, Flash-AS-Eric_E_-4215, Simple_D-Explorer-1666 etc.
  • InternetExplorer.rar 自定IE首页Internet Explorer
  • programming_microsoft_internet_explorer_5.rar programming microsoft internet explorer 5 by Scott Roberts
  • LockIEsrc.rar 浏览器Internet Explorer 工具,它针对一些网站会更改浏览器设置的主页与标题而作,具有限制浏览器打开的窗口数目,自动改回浏览器设置的主页与标题,解除浏览器首页设置下的三个按扭无效的状态与解除注册锁定,清除一些垃圾,还有一个日历!
  • Autorun.zip Autorun For Windows Explorer
  • BHOinCPP_myself.zip Browser Helper Objects (also called BHOs) are COM components that act as Internet Explorer plug-ins. BHOs can be used for customizing Internet Explorer to any extent: from user-interface modifications to web filters to download managers.
  • TVToolbar_myself.zip I wrote the first TV Toolbar that played video in any browser back in 1997 and I have created many versions of my TV Toolbar every year since then for both Internet Explorer and all the Mozilla Browsers like FireFox
  • Windows_CE_Tools_and_README.zip _________________________________ README ____________________________________________ WICHTIG !!unbedingt aufschreiben!! \\\REGISTRY\HKLM\init\Launch50 muss explorer.exe reingeschrieben werden!! Wenn der Eintrag falsch geschrieben wird, ...
  • CSDNltzs.rar 《CSDN论坛助手CSDN s Forum Explorer[v2.2.0]》[以下简称助手]是由CoolSlob开发完成的CSDN离线浏览器。以“快”为开发宗旨。做到快速浏览贴子、快速回复、快速接收/发送短消息。
  • xandercheng.rar 本例采用asp.net2.0+ajax技术实现,不用数据库,采取2.0新概念Dictionary、LinkedList集合实现数据的处理. 所有发送、接收、显示在线用户列表等皆采用ajax技术完成,实现无刷新聊天的功能 Ajax的核心是JavaScript XmlHttpRequest对象。该对象在Internet Explorer 5中首次引入,它是一种支持异步请求的技术