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  • Explorer.rar TreeView+ListView 实现资源管理器
  • StyleExplorerofFlex3.zip flex3的style explorer。通过这个可以清楚的看到flex3提供的控件及其css样式
  • HTMLEdit.rar HTML编辑样本(HTMLEd)展示了如何使用图书馆的Visual C + +包类,Internet Explorer MSHTML编辑控制
  • huapingDlg.rar 结束explorer.exe进程,使得在win7下运行游戏程序时不再花屏
  • DDSelector.zip This object provides a simple user control to allow single and multiple selection of values. I used this control in PBDelta v5 to provide the filters and folder selection within the File Explorer.
  • Get-IE-Password.zip Get Interet Explorer s saved passwords^^
  • netbox.Explorer.rar netbox版asp资源管理器,可作为远程电脑管理器,远程登录
  • 21515_netview.zip After first run, if you right-click on an "Network Neighborhood" or "My Network Places" in Windows Explorer, you will see an additional menu item with the title "Scan with NetView". Selecting this option will automatically load NetView.
  • CacheCreator_v0.02-(1).zip Mobile Trail Explorer (MTE) has a feature that enables map images to be displayed in the background behind the trail. This feature is enabled within MTE by clicking Settings->Display->Scroll to Map Display and select one of the Draw Maps options ...
  • explorer.tar.gz linux下基于gtk开发的简易文件浏览器。