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  • Fax_Polling_VC.rar Fax程序向您示范如何基于传真卡实现下列功能 在多个通道上同时接收传真 在多个通道上同时发送传真 实现群发传真 设置本方传真的识别码及获取对方传真的识别码 设置传真速率 设置传真页眉信息,包括如何消除tif文件页眉、增加tif文件页眉等 对中继通道进行录音 一次发送单个文件、一次同时发送多个文件,以及在传真
  • hbTapi_Professional_1[1].9.5.rar hbTAPI component for sms center and telephone and send fax
  • Simulation.Tools.for.Wireless.Sensor.Networks.rar ... , Spain. Email: {esteban.egea, javier.vales, alejandros.martinez, pablo.pavon, joang.haro}@upct.es  Corresponding author. Address: Campus Muralla del Mar, 30202, Cartagena, Spain. phone: +34 968 325314, fax: +34 968 325973, e-mail: joang.haro@upct.es
  • Cisco_FAX_class2_commands_guide.rar 《Cisco FAX class 2 commands guide》 优秀的传真开发文档,今年我通过该文档,构架和调试出基于class 2的传真应用
  • VBfaxmoden.rar 一个通过modeom发送fax的源码,简单实用,通过测试。
  • Modified-Huffman-Bitmap-Compression.rar This is Modified Huffman algorithm used for monochrome bitmap compression in fax machines.
  • smartform-tutorial.rar ... are used to create and maintain forms for mass printing in SAP Systems. As an output medium SAP Smart Forms support a printer, a fax, e-mail. Many a times there is requirement to download output of SAP Smart Forms in a PDF file. This piece of code ...
  • Switch-a-Enhancement-Framework.rar ... are used to create and maintain forms for mass printing in SAP Systems. As an output medium SAP Smart Forms support a printer, a fax, e-mail. Many a times there is requirement to download output of SAP Smart Forms in a PDF file. This piece of code ...
  • agl-jbig2enc-0.27-0-ga13b7e8.tar.gz Encoder for JBIG(FAX)
  • CURRENT cellular standards support circuit data and fax services at 9.6 kb/s and a packet data mode is being standardized. Recently, there has been growing interest in providing a broad range of services including wire-line voice quality and wireless ...