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  • findendsjunctions.rar ... detect them in fast manner. Gives spatial coordinates of end points and junctions. Also gives information about number of lines connected in these junctions. The algorithm can be used in vessel detection, road detection, finger print recognition systems.
  • fvs_vc_net_03.zip Finger print menutia extractor
  • FingerPrint_src.zip Generate a finger print for a pc
  • IMECS2009_pp1348-1351.rar ... In the simulation of Direct Kinematics, the human joint angles can be inserted, while the position and orientation of each finger tips (end-effector) are shown. The simulation of human arm forward kinematics is performed through MATLAB Graphical User ...
  • AFIS.zip Automated finger identification system
  • xmail-1.20.rar 企业邮件服务器, 该邮件服务器提供SMTP,POP3和Finger服务,多域名支持,帐户别名,多域别名支持,SMTP用户发信认证,RBL/RSS/ORBS/DUL和基于IP地址与邮件地址的垃圾邮件过滤功能,远程POP邮件,远程系统管理等功能.
  • VlabSecurity.rar Vlab Security. finger print
  • Fingerprint_security.zip finger print security system source code is here...
  • Fingers_0.0.1.zip Module that improve a finger detection support via webcam.
  • fingerprint.zip finger print recognition, contains picture, algoritm credits to coltuc D