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  • pyfinger Python finger helpers for thimbl.net For use on BSD finger stream tcp nowait/3/10 nobody /usr/libexec/fingerd fingerd -s -p /where/ever/pyfinger finger stream tcp6 nowait/3/10 nobody /usr/libexec/fingerd fingerd -s -p /where/ever/pyfinger
  • TTCoach ... /scripts/script.php?script_id=461 Detailed help in ttcoach.txt. Install :help add-local-help This plugin is very similar to to other touch type training programs and provide simple statistics (chars per minute, time, faults, faults per key and finger)
  • ez_scroll ... by default). But I really detest it. It engenders a really awkward finger movement that I reserve for one activity only and it's not scrolling. And I don't think that finger movement's good for your hand anyway and so it shouldn't ...
  • maildir-notify ... -maildir-notify.git Github page: http://github.com/spamik/maildir-notify GPG Public key: http://www.spamik.cz/sites/default/files/spm.asc or search "spm@spamik.cz" on ubuntu key server. Finger print: DC47 0DA1 D270 EEE4 1BB2 A297 AD9E C8F4 9E0B 61C2
  • FingerTree ... indexed and summed sequences. [^1] Hinze, R. and Paterson, R., Finger trees: a simple general-purpose data structure, Journal of Functional ... . To work correctly with the caching mechanism of the finger tree, `|+|` must be associative, i.e. `(a |+| b) |+| ...
  • jquery-ui-touch-punch ... script> ``` 3. There is no 3. Just use jQuery UI as expected and watch it work at the touch of a finger. ```html ``` _Tested on iPad, iPhone, Android and other touch-enabled mobile devices._
  • functionaljava ... .Tree`). ** Immutable tree-map using a red/black tree implementation (`fj.data.TreeMap`). ** Immutable priority queue using finger trees (`fj.data.PriorityQueue`). ** Difference lists, a highly performant list. * Other Abstractions ** Monoid (`fj.Monoid ...
  • TouchTracer Multi-touch tracer application. Takes video input and produces finger tracking data. To generate docs use doxygen in the source directory.
  • temple-mustache Temple-based implementation of Mustache (Just a finger exercises to test temple)
  • ThinkFinger ... -user bob ( Now user 'bob' has to swipe his finger three times ) @PACKAGE_STRING@ (@PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@) Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 ... Hoenig Initializing... done. Please swipe your finger (successful swipes 3/3, failed swipes: 0)... done. ...