Python finger helpers for thimbl.net
For use on BSD
finger stream tcp nowait/3/10 nobody /usr/libexec/fingerd fingerd -s -p /where/ever/pyfinger
finger stream tcp6 nowait/3/10 nobody /usr/libexec/fingerd fingerd -s -p /where/ever/pyfinger
... /scripts/script.php?script_id=461
Detailed help in ttcoach.txt.
Install :help add-local-help
This plugin is very similar to to other touch type training programs and provide simple statistics (chars per minute, time, faults, faults per key and finger)
... by default). But I really detest it. It engenders a really awkward finger movement that I reserve for one activity only and it's not scrolling. And I don't think that finger movement's good for your hand anyway and so it shouldn't ...
... -maildir-notify.git
Github page: http://github.com/spamik/maildir-notify
GPG Public key:
or search "spm@spamik.cz" on ubuntu key server.
Finger print: DC47 0DA1 D270 EEE4 1BB2 A297 AD9E C8F4 9E0B 61C2
... indexed and summed sequences.
[^1] Hinze, R. and Paterson, R., Finger trees: a simple general-purpose data structure, Journal of Functional ... . To work correctly
with the caching mechanism of the finger tree, `|+|` must be associative, i.e. `(a |+| b) |+| ...
... script>
3. There is no 3. Just use jQuery UI as expected and watch it work at the touch of a finger.
_Tested on iPad, iPhone, Android and other touch-enabled mobile devices._
... .Tree`).
** Immutable tree-map using a red/black tree implementation (`fj.data.TreeMap`).
** Immutable priority queue using finger trees (`fj.data.PriorityQueue`).
** Difference lists, a highly performant list.
* Other Abstractions
** Monoid (`fj.Monoid ...
Multi-touch tracer application. Takes video input and produces finger tracking data.
To generate docs use doxygen in the source directory.
Temple-based implementation of Mustache (Just a finger exercises to test temple)
... -user bob
( Now user 'bob' has to swipe his finger three times )
Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 ... Hoenig
Initializing... done.
Please swipe your finger (successful swipes 3/3, failed swipes: 0)... done. ...