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  • sunplus.zip sunplus firmware decrypt tool
  • Infrared_decode.rar Infrared remote decode firmware ,use time measure pulse to decode 1 or 0 this code can decode Nec protocal remote controller and than use uart transfer the data to the pc serial port
  • EmbeddedSystemsFirmware.rar embedded systems firmware demystified a hard start Although the primary focud of the book is firmware
  • F_ID54.rar 使用microchip 16c54 編寫可以flash microchip 16F系列的。 功能可以讀取目前firmware版本,和即將要燒入版本。 此firmware必須和software才可以使用。
  • FAT_fs_spec.rar Microsoft Extensible Firmware Initiative FAT32 File System Specification
  • HT82M.rar Holteck HT82M9XX的USB Mouse的Firmware汇编代码
  • DVRFlash_v2.0.zip This utility will allow you to flash a Pioneer DVR drive (or compatible) with a relevant firmware, and to escape the various restrictions set by Pioneer with their UPGDVD flashing tools.
  • USB_Bulk.rar C8051F320 SOURCE CODE 内容有: * USB Bulk Driver Example * USB Bulk Firmware Example * Host Application (F32x_BulkFileTransfer.exe) * Host Application Source
  • USB_HID.rar C8051F320范例: This release contains the following components: * USB Interrupt Driver Example * USB Interrupt Firmware Example * Host Application (USBTest.exe) * Host Application Source
  • JTAGICE_schematic.rar JTAG ICE Schematic and PCB View for ATmel Atmega Family. evertool used ad firmware.