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  • dspdap-bootloader-0.1.zip Hardware and firmware for a DSP based digital audio MP3 player with USB pen drive funtionality, using a 16-bit fixed point Texas Instruments TMS320 C55x DSP and CompactFlash card. This is an open source and open hardware MP3 player project.
  • wizfwtools-svn090124.tar.gz wizfwtools: tools for developing firmware images for Beyonwiz embedded devices (www.beyonwiz.com)
  • freetz-1.0.1.rar Freetz is a firmware-extension (modification) for the AVM Fritz!Box and devices with identical hardware. The original firmware from the manufacturer is extended with new functions and programs which may be selected by the user
  • xyzzy.zip ... is a program for the Nintendo Wii which will read a console s OTP key storage and dump out the private encryption keys to screen and to SD card. This is useful information in case your Wii ever gets bricked and you need to re-initialize the firmware.
  • HD8160decoder.rar Decoder for Netgem HD8160 firmware version 5.1.08
  • NiosII_implementation_in_CCD_Camera_for_Pi_of_the_ ... Pi of the Sky” experiment is presented. The digital board of the CCD camera, its most important components, current implementation of firmware [VHDL] inside the FPGA and the role of external 8051 microcontroller is briefly described. The main goal of the ...
  • vfd_shift.rar vfdshift.c modified for8202 firmware
  • usbn2mc_atmega32.zip this is the firmware usbn2mc for atmega32
  • LPC2148_BUT.zip Firmware for lpc2148, including mmc, uart, rtc, lcd, interrupts
  • 68013-firmware.rar CY68013 芯片USB开发固件程序。