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  • 600.rar The W78E58B is an 8-bit microcontroller which has an in-system programmable Flash EPROM for firmware updating. The instruction set of the W78E58B is fully compatible with the standard 8052. The W78E58B contains a 32K bytes of main ROM and a 4K bytes ...
  • 668058063i2c_loader.zip ADUC_ARM_Loader for firmware loading in memory
  • Pickit2.zip pickit2 schematic and firmware
  • TRF7960SourceCode.zip This Zip file Contains Firmware for TRF7960 RF ID Evaluation Kit Developed by TI.it also contains all the necessary Documents and also my own source code.
  • USB_1518.rar USB2.0_ISP1581开发板光盘提供原Firmware keil编译不行,自己修改后可以编译。
  • PICKIT2.rar the firmware of PICKIT2_lite for PIC-MCU, ready to use
  • usb2lpt.ZIP USB to LPT using ATMEGA8 driver and firmware
  • tormenta2.rbt.gz Tormenta firmware for use with latest zaptel drivers.
  • icd2.rar ICD pic programmer firmware
  • CommunicationHelper.rar Communication helper for stixxxx based systems. Usally used in firmware uploaders.