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  • Bulkext.rar bulkext is FX2 bulk loopback firmware. It loops back EP2OUT -> EP6IN and EP4OUT -> EP8IN The loopback is performed using the external auto pointer. Data is copied from the OUT endpoint buffer to external RAM and then to the IN endpoint buffer.
  • LEDCycle.rar simple firmware example to demonstrate use of the general purpose indicator LEDs (D2,D3,D4,D5) on the Development Kit board.
  • Pingnak.rar // Contents: firmware to perform bulk loopback of EP2OUT to EP6IN and // EP4OUT to EP8IN using the PING NAK interrupt // to initiate the transfer. Use with the cybulk host app.
  • hid_kb.rar hid_kb firmware this firmware uses FX2LP or FX1 to emulate a USB HID keyboard. On the DVK board, buttons F1-F4 map to shift and a,b,c. The 7-segment display shows the status of caps-lock, scroll-lock, and num-lock.
  • Vend_ax.rar This directory contains the 8051 firmware Vend_Ax source code for the Cypress EZ-USB chip. The purpose of ... specific commands. The following vendor specific commands are implemented: A0 Firmware Upload/Download A2 EEProm Load A3 External Ram Load ...
  • PDIUSBD12.rar 本源代码是USB PDIUSBD12 的应用程序,FIRMWARE MCU STC89C51
  • createFirmwarebinaries.rar terratec noxon create firmware tool
  • 81F-ADT.zip Firmware for device copy
  • src.zip Mango64 S3C6410 Firmware Lecture 001
  • VPCLS2-UM101.rar ... ASIC with 32 direct input/ output bits that fits very well for this kind of applications. The VPCLS2 handles the entire data transfer independently. No additional microprocessor or firmware is necessary. The VPCLS2 is compatible with existing chips.