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  • README_CT216_build.zip How to build a Cheertek CT216 firmware (assuming you have the source code: 0812.rar)
  • Firmware_Release1.zip SiLabs c8051f320 firmware for USB/i2c/spi/gpio/adc
  • sumo+++5588+++8202l+r27+en.rar DVD sumo use update DVD firmware
  • kones98k-1389de-1ram.rar Firmware use to update DVD Kones
  • firmware.zip gyro source for atmel avr
  • ejercicio_n1_107.rar SIMPLE EXAMPLE This example for comunication between PIC 18F4550 an PC with Visual Basic connected in USB PORT. Its compose for Firmware, Program an Proteus Diagram. Enjoy it.!
  • application_note_source_code___creating_a_sample_ This example uses the 2131 dev board s push buttons for limited 2 button mouse/2 button keyboard functionality and is based on the EZ-USB firmware frameworks.
  • Generic_HID_c18_fsusb_fwv2-3.zip Generic_HID Firmware for Microchip Full-speed USB Chips Using Microchip MCHPFSUSB Framework v2.3
  • rej06b0898_sh7216ap.rar SH7216 Group USB Function Module: USB HID Class This application note describes how to use the USB function module of the SH7216 and examples of creation of firmware conforming to the USB Human Interface Devices (HID) Class.
  • CPK6500.zip CPK for lantronix. Used to make own firmware for XPORT related hardware. Actually there is a lot of demo so you won t be lost