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  • dir300_v1.04_aas2.zip Dir-300 firmware with mpcs
  • TRFinitv1.rar TRF7960 firmware for Freescale MCU
  • BC4Headset_PSR.zip Bluetooth firmware configuration , based on BLuecore4 headset
  • Display_Encoder-Remoto-REC80-Beep-V1.0-OK.rar This is a firmware for PIC18F4550 with routines for: T6963c LCD display 240x64 pixel Rotare encoder REC80 remote control decode and others
  • CC1100.rar A firmware driver for CC1100 based SubGHz RF modem. Target used is a PIC16F877A series. The code is written and tested for a RF modem by Summitek model ST-TR1100+PA. SPI is implemented in the software itself and can be driven in burst mode also.
  • EEPROM.rar Firmware written in Embedded C for implementing an I2C communication between a PIC16F877A with a 28Cxx EEPROM memory. However this can be modified to work on any controller platform.
  • stm32f10x_stdperiph_lib_.zip ... Density Devices 32-bit Flash microcontrollers. This library is a firmware package which contains a collection of routines, data structures and ... drivers plus a set of examples for each peripheral. The firmware library allows any device to be used in the ...
  • copySpeed.zip Tests USB write and read speed for CY7C68013A. Firmware software in C.
  • usbQualityTest.zip USB firmware to test speed of CY7C68013A USB-Controller, Written in c to generate HEX-File for programming.
  • Firmware_Foston_512MB_by_leor.rar Firmware for your mp3 player 512 foston chipest ALI 5661