USB TO SERIAL cypress cy7c63x01 低速单片机实现的串口转USB代码。包含WINDOWS端应用程序的源码和单片机的FIRMWARE源码。
... , modify your iPAQ cradle to take a GPS connection, tweak the firmware, hook up to your PC without expensive software, use GPS ... your GPS Make power and data cables Sharpen your signal Keep firmware update Hack out a PC connectio Create and load dat Grab ...
MT1389L upgrade firmware for various optical pickups. Burn to CD and get ready to upgrade firmware
Simple command line tool for extracting all mediatek firmware items at once.
Usage: MtkExtract <Mediatek MT13x9 firmware>
Also supports MT8226 firmwares!
This Firmware demosntrate how Incremental Encoder, HD44780U LCD end EEPROM accessing works under BASCOM AVR basic. The Project is just a remote controller for HAM radio antenna matching network device.
Lang pack for mtk firmware file