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  • Folding-folder CSS3 effect for folding and unfolding a folder Demo on: http://www.newpage.be/folder # Map This demo uses Google static maps to display the map in a visually appealing way. An example: http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?sensor=false&size= ...
  • user-assisted-folder-sync User-assisted (interactive) folder syncing tool, made to be as fast as possible, while letting the user ... flash drive-hard disk combination user-assisted-folder-sync ========================= User-assisted (interactive) folder syncing tool, made to be as ...
  • split-folder this script splits a (possibly huge) folder in a set of newly created folders each with n files in it split-folder ============ this script splits a (possibly huge) folder in a set of newly created folders each with n files in it
  • wifi-folder-sync DEPRECATED - Master/slave folder synchronization across local area network over TCP using UDP as supervisor Master-slave folder synchronization across local area network over TCP using UDP as supervisor
    Qt App
  • sublime-text-2-folder-list a folder list to open in sublime text 2 Sublime Text 2 plugin: sites
  • osx-archive-folder-s3 OSX Archive Folder to S3 This small php application will archive a specified folder, gzip the contents of the folder, upload the file to an Amazon S3 bucket and remove the folder and file.
  • vim-folder Personal VIM configuration ## Installation ``` curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lukecampbell/vim-folder/master/install.sh | bash -s stable ``` ## Plugins - FuzzyFinder - L9 - cocoa - ctrlp - syntastic - tagbar - vim-bufexplorer - vim-colors- ...
  • Folder-Backup ... : Folder Backup Goal : Backup of all contents inside one folder Technical info : C# Language : English Ordered by : Hobby Project Developer ... : Shahab F. M. Developer Website: www.shahabfm.com The Folder Backup is an open source freeware program under the ...
  • folder-video ... gera uma interface em html5 via browser para acessar e organizar sua visualização. --------------------------------------- Dependências ---------- Para rodar o Folder-Video você precisará de: - Python 2.7 - Firefox 4+, Chrome 6+ - Vídeos no formato: ...
  • Test-Folder New folder niggah! Test-Folder =========== New folder niggah!