it is about famous hanning window function using in Matlab,Welcome to
This a simple genetic algorithm implementation where the
evaluation function takes positive values only and the
fitness of an individual is the same as the value of the
objective function
AnsiLowerCase 函数 将字符转换为小写
首部 function MidStr(const AText: string const AStart, ACount: Integer):
string $[StrUtils.pas
功能 ... AText从AStart开始的ACount个字符
说明 其实就是Copy
参考 function System.Copy
例子 Edit3.Text := MidStr(Edit1.Text, SpinEdit1.Value, SpinEdit2. ...
* Function:
* 1. Replace the first oldstr with newstr in srcstr
* Arguments:
* IN :
* srcstr
* oldstr
* newstr
* OUT :
* srcstr
* Return:
* 1. If find and replace one oldstr with newstr in srcstr , return 1
* 2. If find no oldstr ...
... member variable and assigning it to MCI window using a single function, you can create a control that plays any device that ... .
Automating playback is also quick and easy. Using only one function and two macros, an application can create an MCIWnd window ...
... Builder (Viterbi Encoding, Interleaver, PN generation)
2) Modulator (RRC filter)
3) Demodulator (Matched Filter, RAKE receiver)
4) Receiver (HD or SD) (Deinterleaver, Viterbi Decoder).
You should run "Simulation.m" function that include all modules