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  • nand_flash_read.rar NAND FLASH read/write function
  • shutter_ctrol.rar Function:1、摄像头快门速度控制。 2、闪光灯控制。 性能参数: 1、摄像头快门速度:1us - 20ms 2、闪光灯位置:可设置在一场的任意时刻。 3、快门可工作在自动方式。
  • Won06AIDS.rar Matlab toolbox neural network function neural network 06b AIDS on neural network toolbox
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  • function.rar 用来求解线性或者非线性数学方程 并在坐标系下观察其取值.
  • problem-2479.rar Given a set of n integers: A={a1, a2,..., an}, we define a function d(A) as below: t1 t2 d(A) = max{ ∑ai + ∑aj | 1 <= s1 <= t1 < s2 <= t2 <= n } i=s1 j=s2 Your task is to calculate d(A).
  • abc.rar 利用opencv裡的hmm function 來達到人臉識別的功能
  • radius-1.2.0.tar.gz ... of VSAs, one will need to subclass from the Radius Stack and implement the functionality within the virtual function processVsa(). The Radius Stack supports mostly accounting messages. The authentcation messages will be supported in a future release. ...
  • GraphoftheBesselfunctionJ0.rar Graph of the Bessel function J0 Graph of the Bessel function J0
  • tin.rar C language fast function point sample code example