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  • Game.rar This is a another game, and this game is a one labyrinth with obstacles.
  • Strategy-Game-ProgDx9.rar With this book you can create a strategy game using C++ and DirectX 9.0. It also outlines the game development process and explains game mechanics, resource management, interface design, sound implementation and more.
  • game.rar 这是一个手机游戏,是学习J2ME的好例子。 主要讲了javax.microedition.lcdui javax.microedition.lcdui.game 等的使用
  • chess-game.zip Chess Game Developed in C++ .
  • toj-simple-game.rar cpp code for problem "sample game" on toj
  • Game.rar visual Basic game progrmming example
  • Beginning-Game-Programming-2005.rar Beginning game programming fist edition.
  • game.zip source code C++ game tetris. very simple
  • Introduction-to-3D-Game-Programming-with-DirectX- This book is an introduction to programming interactive 3D computer graphics using DirectX 9.0, with an emphasis on game development. It teaches you the fundamentals of Direct3D, after which you will be able to go on to learn and apply more advanced ...
  • Beginning-CS-Game-Programming-Source-Code.rar ... about it—if you wanted to program cutting-edge games, you did so in C. Sure, C++ was around, but it was too “slow.” The advanced features that C++ offered took off too much processing power, and that was simply unacceptable to a game programmer.