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  • Gauss.rar 在vc++环境下实现数值分析中Gauss算法
  • gauss-seidel.zip Implementacion del metodo Gauss-Seidel para la solucion de sistemas de ecuaciones, tomando como aproximacion inicial x0.
  • GAUSS.rar Gauss Method for solving equals systems.
  • Gauss-Seidel_neliniara.rar Algorithm for the Gauss–Seidel method, for numerical linear algebra
  • Gauss.rar Gauss主元消去法,高斯列主元消去法,含可执行文件bat及源码
  • Gauss-Jordan.rar Gauss-Jordan消去法 实现矩阵求逆 有详细算法解释
  • Gauss.zip Resolve equations for Gauss Method, the source code was writing in Visual C++ in Native Code
  • gauss.rar load flow solution by gauss seidel method
  • Gauss.rar This method solve a equation system using the classic method of Gauss
  • Gauss.rar ... elimination is an algorithm for solving systems of linear equations, finding the rank of a matrix, and calculating the inverse of an invertible square matrix. Gaussian elimination is named after German mathematician and scientist Carl Friedrich Gauss.