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  • FP0.rar Originally written for a PB2000 Casio computer program to solve power flow by five solutions methods (Gauss, Gauss-Seidel, Newton-Raphson-polar, Neuton-Raphson-Cartesian and Decoupled).
  • inverse.rar Matrix inverse by Gauss-Jordan elimination
  • Gaussian.zip ... lead to much more accuracy in evaluating the integral in question. We shall see that this method, called Gaussian or Gauss-Legendre integration, has one significant further advantage in many situations. In the evaluation of an integral on the interval ...
  • GAUSS.rar 高斯消去法解线性方程组,需要输入方程组维数和增广矩阵即可求解
  • gs.rar gauss seidel calc numerical method
  • bianyuanjiance.rar EdgePicker类中实现了Kirsch、Prewitt、Sobel、Gauss边缘提取算法,并根据MATLAB中的Canny算法实现了Canny算法,BianYuanJianCe.CPP中实现了背景提取。程序中图像的读取、存储用到了ImageMagick库,ImageMagick库的使用方法在ImageMagick.rar中有说明
  • gauss.zip 用c产生一个高斯噪声 用了中值定理的内容
  • MapInfoMapAdd.rar GIS中的坐标系定义是GIS系统的基础,正确定义GIS系统的坐标系非常重要。在MapInfo地图投影中缺少针对中国很多地区大比例尺 和中比例尺的投影方式,通过对MapInfo中Mapinfow.prj文件的研究,以吐鲁番地区为例,添加了高斯-克吕格(Gauss-Krüger)投影,能解决一些大比例尺对变形小的要求。
  • ProgramaInterpolacion.rar Programa de algoritmos matematicos muestra los metodos de ecuaciones lineales,metodos de no ecuaciones lineales,Interpolacion y sumatorias como: Newton, biseccion, falsa posicion, punto fijo, secante, metodo de gauss, gauss seidel etc.
  • Gauss.rar 用高斯消去法来处理矩阵的运算,有兴趣的朋友可以看看