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  • FastWalshHadamardTransform.rar ... the 1D sequency(Walsh) ordered fast Walsh-Hadamard transform which can be used in signal processing, pattern recongnition and Genetic alogorithms. This algorithm uses a Cooley-Tukey type signal flow graph and is implemented in N log2 N additions and ...
  • Genetic-algorithem(Matlab).rar A simple code for GA
  • gep.zip Gene expression programming, a genotype/phenotype genetic algorithm (linear and ramified), is presented here for the first time as a new technique for the creation of computer programs. Gene expression programming uses character linear chromosomes ...
  • matlab_genetic_algorithm.rar matlab 遗传算法程序 matlab genetic algorithm
  • NSGA-II(2000).rar 这是多目标优化问题的经典文章,值得研究。A Fast and Elitist Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm NSGA-II (2000)
  • Geneticalgorithm.rar Genetic algorithm, code, containing a tool to support the development of the algorithm and we can work together to discuss
  • sample10.rar genetic algorithm functions have been added to provide the crawler with an intelligent behavior
  • article_37f.rar ES D evolution strategies GA D genetic algorithm ...... One of the first applications of genetic algorithms in explained here
  • GATutorial.rar Genetic Algorithms are good at taking large, potentially huge search spaces and navigating them, looking for optimal combinations of things
  • coello02-04.ps.gz genetic - immune algorithm systems