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  • blocking_artifacts.rar Reduction of Artifacts in JPEG images with Genetic Algorithm and Boundary pixel replacement
  • 6578394.rar reactive power optimization+genetic algorithm
  • ga.rar this programm implements the genetic algorithm
  • Haupt_BGA.zip Binary Genetic Algorithm minimizes the objective function designated in ff Before beginning, set all the parameters in parts I, II, and III Haupt & Haupt
  • Assignment1.zip TSP using a Genetic algorithm
  • galibdoc.rar Documentation Revision B optimization in any C++ program using any representation and any genetic operators
  • tsp-documentation.rar The task of this application was to explore the possibilities of genetic programming and to test it on a well known Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP),
  • 2006012.rar In this report we briefly describe how to download compile and run the extended compact genetic algorithm (ECGA) described in Harik’s paper (Harik, 1999).
  • 2006014.rar This report provides documentation for the -ary extended compact genetic algorithm (ECGAm) for matlab in C++ that solves problems with -ary alphabets
  • 2007017.rar This report provides documentation for the general purpose genetic algorithm toolbox for matlab in C++. The fitness function used in the toolbox is written in matlab