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  • NetworkRoutingProtocolusingGeneticAlgorithms.rar Network Routing Protocol using Genetic Algorithms
  • my_ga.rar Rudolph G. Convergence analysis of canonical genetic algorithms. IEEE Trans. On Neural Networks, 1994,5:96~101 [36] Rudolph G. Asymptotic convergence rates of simple evolutionary algorithms with Cauchy mutations. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary ...
  • GPCPP4.rar Genetic Programming 遗传规划算法C++源代码,Windows和Linux下均可用
  • Codes.rar a source code for application of genetic algorithm in MWTMP problems.
  • GAtoolbox.zip C++多目标遗传算法Kumara Sastry Illinois Genetic Algorithms Laboratory Department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering
  • Artificial_Neural_Networks.rar introduction to the subject of Artificial neural network and genetic algorithms, two very new subjects forming part of distributed artificial inteligence
  • tsp_ga.rar Solving Traveling Sales Man Problem by Genetic Algorithm.
  • LivingMachinesUseofGeneticalAlgorithms.zip Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are adaptive heuristic search algorithm premised on the evolutionary ideas of natural selection and genetic. The basic concept of GAs is designed to simulate processes in natural system necessary for evolution, specifically those ...
  • 5442665.zip Fault Section Estimation in Power System using Neuro-Genetic Approach
  • tspga.rar Solving TSP with Genetic Algorithms