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  • fxfb.zip ... 由 Hss 设计!( 2001.10.1 ) 左键拖动为放大,右键拖动为缩小。 录制GIF动画时,更长的时间片断将占用更大的内存空间。 It codes by HSS ( 2001. ... left button down when you want to zoom in , and drag right button down when you want to zoom out. As recording GIF animator,longer time segment will take more RAM.
  • gwfb.zip ... 由 Hss 设计!( 2001.10.1 ) 左键拖动为放大,右键拖动为缩小。 录制GIF动画时,更长的时间片断将占用更大的内存空间。 It codes by HSS ( 2001. ... left button down when you want to zoom in , and drag right button down when you want to zoom out. As recording GIF animator,longer time segment will take more RAM.
  • hss_ifs.rar 分形IFS系统 It codes by HSS ( 2001.10.1 ). Drag left button down when you want to zoom in , and drag right button down when you want to zoom out. As recording GIF animator,longer time segment will take more RAM.
  • fxjh.zip 分形图形的选择进化 It codes by HSS ( 2001.10.1 ). Drag left button down when you want to zoom in , and drag right button down when you want to zoom out. As recording GIF animator,longer time segment will take more RAM.
  • Win32 chart.rar 可以生成各种格式的图片(3D的饼图、3D的柱状图、线型图等等),图片格式有Gif,Jpeg,Bmp、png等格式
  • PC_Img.rar 在windows下开发的,播放bmp,tif,gif,jpg文件格式,有源码的详细解释,对于刚入门的人来说很不错。
  • bmptojpeg.rar 这是一个可以实现bmp转化成JPEG、Gif、Png格式的C程序,实现简单,操作方便(极力推荐下载!!!)
  • PicViewerDemo.zip 本封装库对图象读取,特效,显示进行封装 功能有:对gif,pcx,tga,jpg等图像格式的读取,进行亮度,对比度,图像旋转,浮雕,颜色反转,锐化,平滑,马赛克处理. 包括全部源代码. 编译需要最新的SDK!
  • imgbrowser.rar 察看gif 图片或动画,tif图片(单色), 图片缩放功能。