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  • avi_to_gif.rar avi2gif: User supplies the avi file and the number of loops required for the gif animation, and this function converts the entire avi video into a gif animation.
  • bbs.rar 欢迎使用DVBBS动网先锋论坛,http://bbs.dvbbs.net,动网先锋,http://www.dvbbs.net/,,eway@aspsky.net,images/logo.gif,http://www.dvbbs.net/contact.asp,aspsky|dvbbs|动网|动网论坛|asp|论坛|插件,北京时间,动网论坛是使用量最多、覆盖面最广的免费中文论坛,也是国内知名的技术讨论站点,希望我们辛苦的
  • grabTIC.rar This a Perl OCR script. It is designed to recognize numbers on a specific counter (http://www.yandex.ru/cycounter?www.ofiel.ru) It takes URL of website as input (grab_final.pl?www.ofiel.ru) and returns a number written on a gif button.
  • bmptogif.rar 将8的位bmp图像转换位gif图像,不用其它设置自动保存
  • AniGif.zip open java gif, it is a source.
  • gifcan14eval.zip gif can source. display gif picture
  • cximage600.rar 图片处理源码, bmp, gif, jpg ,
  • gifencoder.rar JAVA 写的的 GIF 图像编码器
  • GIFButton.rar 用VC实现的,你只要在你的工程中加入该类就可以轻松的实现GIF动画按钮