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  • GMSK_simulation.zip GMSK simulation in Matlab
  • Report_to_GMSK_simulation.rar Report to GMSK simulation in Matlab
  • GMSK_new.rar GMSK modulation system
  • gsmk.rar gmsk modulation of numerical data generated by a random source, the output of the modulator give two signals, the first is gmsk signal and the other is gaussien frequency pulse shape
  • Bernoulli.rar This Simulink model simulates as an example the transmission and reception of random digital data modulated with GMSK. The purpose of this model is to illustrate how part of the GSM transmission and reception works. It also measures the BER, affected by ...
  • qpsk.rar BPSK,QPSK,QAM,GMSK基本的调制解调程序集
  • MSK_GMSK_grt_rtw.rar gmsk modulation. some code
  • gmsk.rar 最小高斯移频键控调制性能仿真,含频谱分析,matlab的simulink实现
  • Bei.rar GMSK的系统框图,simulink建模以及方针
  • GMSK_matlab.rar GMSK的1bit差分调制解调程序,基带信号