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  • web.rar 在线播放google 音乐播放器,可以直接播放google上的音乐
  • src.rar V8, Google Chrome 浏览器的新一代JavaScript引擎。
  • thailandtaxi.zip Simple Google Maplet. for calculate TAXI welfare in Thailand.
  • buscaem4.rar shearc in 4 sites in moment google , yahoo , msn and cade
  • Export_to_KML.rar ... to KML is an extension developed for ArcGIS 9.x by the City of Portland, Bureau of Planning. The extension allows ArcGIS users to export any point, line or polygon dataset in Keyhole Markup Language (KML) format for viewing in the free Google Earth.
  • myMap.rar 在android上实现google map
  • TypingWord.zip 输入法源程序全代码,包含搜索算法和UI界面,媲美Google输入法。适合想了解输入法编程的朋友下载
  • GoogleHackingforPenetrationTesters.rar google hacker:google搜索的高级技巧
  • KMLCreator.zip KML 2.0介绍 KML全称是Keyhole Markup Language KML,是一个基于XML语法和文件格式的文件,用来描述和保存地理信息如点、线、图片、折线并在Google Earth客户端之中显示 The core of the project is the KMLCreator.cs. This has three classes, KMLCoordinates, KMLPoint and KMLLine
  • 55WaysToHaveFunWithGoogle.rar google is friend of everyone!!