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  • Google_Earth_COM_Api.rar Google earth com api 调研文档
  • GoogleEarthPluginWindowsForms.zip google earth visual basic view
  • GMapsTest.rar j2me的Google地图及源程序,非常好!希望对大家有帮助。
  • Google_Hacks.rar "Hacks" are generally considered to be "quick-n-dirty" solutions to programming problems or interesting techniques for getting a task done. But what does this kind of hacking have to do with Google?
  • translation.rar 调用GOOGLE网页翻译功能,截取网页源码。
  • Dashboard.zip ... I will show you how I built a start page similar to Google IG in 7 nights using ASP.NET Ajax, .NET 3 ... architectural decisions. You will find the implementation quite close to actual Google IG. It has drag & drop enabled widgets, complete personalization of ...
  • DigitalEarth.rar C#写的基于Google Earth的二次开发。
  • EX09_05.zip GPS Google地图--LocationListener与MapView实时更新
  • EX09_06.zip 移动版Google Map---Geocoder反查Address对象
  • EX09_09.zip 随身翻译机---Google Translate API